registration number: J1903 car code: 6

SN 24 0,0

381 150 CZK, possibility to deduct VAT
Náhled 19Náhled 21Náhled 22
basic information
in operation since
warranty until
400 000 km
check mileage
body type
body type
flat truck
permitted weight
39 t
light gray
active safeness
Stabilize Chassis (ESP)
J1903,​ VIN:WK0S0002400223566

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contact the dealer
IVECO Truck Centrum, s.r.o.
průmyslová zóna, U Mexika 1310
Nýřany, dálnice D5 EXIT 93
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car dealer
IVECO Truck Centrum, s.r.o.
Nýřany, dálnice D5 EXIT 93

dealer offer
dealer offer
this vehicle you have on your parking
services for drivers

from our offer:
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Iveco Daily 3.0   35C16D sklápěč 6 míst Iveco Daily 3.0 35C16D sklápěč 6 míst

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